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Karpe Diem

Home | Blog | Hulebloggen | We're celebrating new web-pages!
Wednesday, 14 July 2010 14:54

We're celebrating new web-pages!

We're celebrating the opening of the new Prosjekthula web-page by giving 20% discount on the regular price of all portraits!

Sigrun can make portraits of almost anything! So if you know of anyone who deserves a portrait, or if you would like one for yourself, just e-mail us an order!

Examples of portraits we've done:

  • Grandchildren
  • Pets
  • Bride and groom
  • Siblings

All we need is a picture of the one/ones you want to have drawn/painted, and preferably some other pictures Sigrun may use as a referance. You may send the pictures pr. e-mail.

The offer expires 15 september

For prices, click here...


Frode Werner

Frode Werner

Frode is the mediaguy of Mediekunstnerne. He loves storytelling, and believes in it's power to change the world...

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